We are delighted to announce that on 20 September 2022, Scientific Infra Pte. Ltd. registered selected indices with the European Securities and Markets Association (ESMA) and is now a third-country benchmark administrator in accordance with Article 32 of the EU BMR. Scientific Infra’s registered benchmarks are listed and maintained in the ESMA Register under Article 36 of the EU BMR.
The indices registered with ESMA are: the infra300®, the infra100® equity index family, and the infraDebt100 index family.
What are the advantages of registration? ESMA registers administrators of indices that are used in the EU as benchmarks in financial instruments and financial contracts or to measure the performance of investment funds, as well those of certain third-country benchmarks.
ESMA registration demonstrates our commitment to ensuring:
- Proper governance and controls over the benchmark process.
- The quality of input data and methodologies.
- Contributors to benchmarks and the data they provide are subject to adequate controls.
- Consumers and investors are protected through greater transparency and adequate rights of redress.
- Robust written plans are implemented in case of cessation or material changes of benchmarks.
What does this mean for our clients? Registration means that our methods, business practices and quality control standards comply with the requirements of EU BMR. This should inspire confidence in the quality, longevity, integrity and reliability of the data that we provide.
These indices are already available in the index application on the infraMetrics platform.