infraMetrics and Sustainability Reporting
In this webinar, we will show you how our new climate and social metrics can be used for SFDR, TCDF and EU-Taxonomy purposes, ensuring that investors stay compliant and meet your regulatory obligations. More specifically:
1. On climate impact
- how our new 7 carbon emissions metrics can help investors assess the sustainable contribution criteria and the DNSH criteria under the EU-taxonomy regulation
- how the TCFD climate emission metrics requirements can be met using our climate impact metrics
- how our carbon emissions metrics can be used as inputs to the SFDR’s PAI including GHG emission metrics, Carbon footprint metrics, GHG intensity metrics
2. Climate risk
- how our physical risk metrics can be used to meet the recommendations of TCFD
3. Social risk
- how our social acceptability metrics can be used to assess transition risk “Reputation” transition risks under TCFD
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